Gear device
The Acoustic Startle Device (ASD) emits a noise that triggers an instinctive startle reflex response in seals, causing them to swim away from fishing gear and thus reducing the chance of entanglement.
Technique change
Alternative gear means changing the type of gear used in a fishery, to one that maintains commercial viability but poses a lower risk to wildlife.
An auto trawl system is a dynamic system that operates to enhance the performance of trawl gear in varying environmental conditions, such as rough weather or changing seabed topography.
Gear modification
Modifying the colour of nets and ropes may make fishing gear more visible to non-target species of wildlife, reducing the likelihood of wildlife-gear interactions, and thus bycatch incidences.
Discard and offal management is the safe offloading of waste materials away from hooked lines or hauling operations to reduce risk of attracting seabirds.
The Chilean purse seine fleet have implemented an internal mounting system for the buoy line in purse seine fishing gear that can be internally mounted in relation to the main rope.
WHAT IS NET BINDING? Applicable to pelagic fisheries, net binding is the practice of binding sections of the net which pose the most...
Pingers are devices that emit sound at various audio frequencies, to alert marine mammals of fishing gear. Pingers have been widely adopted on gillnets to deter small cetaceans.
Predator playback is a type of Acoustic Deterrent Device (ADD), in which audio recordings of a wildlife species in distress, or of its predator, are played to deter species from nearing fishing gear.
Explore the Bycatch Mitigation Hub to find possible measures to reduce bycatch
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